The President We Deserve

Our readers may remember that two months ago,  In Loco Politico endorsed Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for US president, effectively throwing our support as a small, student-ran organization behind the candidate which we believed was “dedicated to serving the people, who has a proven track record, and who has the brightest vision of the future of […]

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Flint Water Crisis

The city of Flint, Michigan, located 66 miles Northwest from Detroit on the Flint River, was once the automotive industry’s Medina to Detroit’s Mecca, with household names General Motors and Chevrolet both being founded there in 1908 and 1911 respectively. These companies provided the community with the income and opportunities that helped it prosper during […]

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Super Tuesday Results

The votes are in and Super Tuesday is officially over. The big winners of the day were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, with Sanders and Cruz trailing behind them. Both candidates managed to pull in seven states for their respective campaigns. Both candidates won by impressive margins and pilled on their delegate count. However, they both […]

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